so you go to college, with the intention of excommunicating yourself from food service employment. possibly with the intention that after all of this intensive inundation of knowledge you might have the option of choosing an occupation, rather than settling for shit.
no dice friend. a bachelor's degree will do nothing for you today. least of all a degree in the social sciences.
back to the addiction codling food service industry it is.
you have heard the story you now recite, and still it is news to you. should you have listened more closely? is it acceptable that you sought a college degree based on your romantic ideals, and not on any pragmatic reasoning of the future? must be so, since you are signed up for a second tour of duty.
now to convince myself that minimum wage, plus tips, is exciting and new. could be. but will it pay rent, childcare and bills? we shall see.
not much of a fun blog. stuff is not all that fun right now. try back later.
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