11 November, 2015

looking toward ending homelessness: not a utopian approach

there are plenty of organizations trying to help folks who do not live indoors find shelter, and the skills and means to maintain it. below are some things i think could greatly help in those efforts.

1. abolish free-market capitalism and replace it with a community health and welfare oriented socialism.
2. ban corporate welfare in all forms and put those millions of tax dollars into free education and social welfare institutions. make this action retroactive.
3. defund the military, minimizing defense to a small national guard.
4. stop paying war debts. if the USA owes other nations money that was loaned during wars, too bad. they are existing without that money.    
5. imprison all rich business leaders in power situations of similar to Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump, and freeze their assets for public use. then figure out how much money they owe. then put them on welfare and let them live in the public housing projects....or just take what they owe and let them go.
6. defund the prison industrial complex. release all nonviolent criminals, and mandate expedited legal proceedings for prisoners who are awaiting trial . release all prisoners who are awaiting deportation to their countries of origin. knock down prisons, and replace them with community gardens.
7. legalize all drugs, create safe and clean places to use them, and offer recovery and rehabilitation services to addicted people.
8. direct much of the prison, corporate welfare, and military funds to create the best mental health services and research universities possible. make all mental health services free, non-institutionalizing, and create campaigns to destigmatize mental illness (with an attempt at giving mental illness and physical illness similar footing).
9. mandate that all states and municipalities legalize all forms of abortion and birth control. people who do not want children are often not the greatest parents. this in itself would greatly reduce the number of unsupported youth who have a higher likelihood of living on the streets.    

10. give people housing (also somewhat upstream)! it is uber difficult to obtain a job or go to school when you have no mail address, or place to keep your things. it is also difficult to do these things when you have to spend a large part of your day finding your place to stay, or queuing for a bed.
11. do many of the upstream things for the current population of folks living without shelter.

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