30 April, 2008

kind of a big day

Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered the hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) died today, aged 102 years.

not the best hallucinogenic substance, nor the most reliable, but were it not for this invention world of pop culture and a bevy of other phenomenon would be far different from what they are today. i would be a touch different from who i am today. not saying i would ever touch the juice of Satan's loin, but let's fuckin' face it, i was sixteen once just like the rest of you (& to top it off, i was living in a small town with not much else to do)! it's no assuage for your post work week blues, but i hear it can open you up to some new possibilities. no. really. i hear it!

not one to gloat or find glee for the dead i never met. rather, this day should be remembered merely for the good things he brought to one and all. for it is unto us, that he gave his only begotten visions...

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