26 November, 2015

getting well

i have a pocket of favorite things about not celebrating religious, imperialist, genocide, or otherwise power/consumption/faith/fallacy based holidays that i don't support.
the pocket is rolling solo on those days.
my quasi tradition.
now that Penelope Beatrice is old enough to share thoughts and feelings with me in ways we both can understand, i am going back to living life in this way that feels more honest to me. the way i do things i believe in, and act against things i do not. i feel confident that Penelope will understand.

one of those favorite things is occasionally empty streets and open spaces. it feels like maybe the few humans i see are those the earth is comfortably able to provide for. it's possible this is the number of people we are capable of kindly interacting with.
those of us who are not celebrating get to hear the leaves rustle uniquely once or twice each year.
i get the sense that we are all calmly appreciating perennial defiance, and the things iconoclasts (& folks with all other motivations) get to experience.
i know i am.

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