24 January, 2008

L'chaim and every last rail spike (plus du poetry)

what a fortnight could devour if we let it
how you divulge the things I masticate in fear
every wrinkle your face takes pride in gives glee for

Astrid with your steady eyes inside my still shaking child’s hand
you ate the wall I masquerade my life behind and shit a pillar for too many a goddess to count

had it right, the baby, my lover, the rest to come
had your accuracy smashed the teeth of this city
endless effort left for picking up the pieces and continuing the track

Say Astrid, was that a focused action
or did you accidently predict the point I would bolster and come clean

another abstraction I know I should recall
your entrails polished publically for proof and reconciliation
it took a nation in the past
it took Astrid less than sixteen hours

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